
Massachusetts Dyslexia Center Testimonials

The Davis Dyslexia Program was life changing for my daughter and family. I am so thankful to Carolyn for helping us recognize the issue and then receive the proper treatment and help. We always knew that my daughter learned different than the rest of her siblings. We were frustrated with the school system since they continued to push “phonics” and continued drilling the same methods which were not working. Reading and homework were miserable for everyone involved. Desperation is the only way to describe the situation. The results from the program were observed almost immediately and not just in reading. My daughter loves ice skating. The week following the program my daughter’s coach pulled me aside and said, “I don’t know what happened but it is like something clicked and her ice skating skills suddenly improved”. I would not have expected an improvement in ice skating to come from the program, but it definitely did when she applied the same concepts. It has been a few years since my daughter completed the program. I am so happy to report that she is not only meeting grade level requirements but has all A’s and B’s. Homework is no longer a struggle, she eagerly does her homework without me nagging. Worth the investment.

- Meghan Labardi