
Davis Dyslexia Program

The Davis® program is a 30-hour one-week program which is facilitated one-on-one. Each program is customized to address the client's specific goals and areas for improvement. Because it is a creative program and is designed for the learning style of the visual-spatial person, clients work with their natural strengths and talents to overcome their learning obstacles. While many other programs address only the symptoms of the learning disability, the Davis methods get to the root cause of the learning difficulty. Clients will leave with the ability to implement the knowledge obtained during the program into daily life.

Davis Dyslexia clay image

Dyslexia Support and Training

The Davis Programs Include five consecutive days of one-to-one facilitation (ages 8 and up). Support training for client’s family, tutor(s) or teacher(s) on the afternoon of the last day to ensure post-program follow-up and success. All necessary take-home materials for program follow-up. Three return follow-up visits (if necessary) and unlimited phone/email consultations.

Program Prerequisites

For the Davis Program to be effective, a person must be personally motivated and willing to improve some aspect of learning or school performance. The Davis Dyslexia Correction program is a DRUG FREE solution . Therefore, before a program can be scheduled, clients must disclose all medications. If you have any questions about these requirements, please call 508-994-4577 or email

dyslexia clay model
dyslexia clay model

After the Program

The program provides the client with all of the tools, understanding, and materials necessary to implement the strategies into their every day lives and achieve positive results. Doing Davis Symbol Mastery® trigger words (those words that do not have a visual image) is an essential part of the correction of Dyslexia. Support Training is provided on the last day for family members, tutor(s) and/or teacher(s) who will support the client in this follow-up.